Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Parallel Universe

I don’t see beauty anymore.
I don’t feel my thoughts unless they imply negativity.
I don’t understand what I should be feeling, because feeling in itself has become either inevitable or controllable – and both possibilities seem dangerous. I feel because I have to feel, but my mind rarely responds. The heart is there, but it had resigned from talking for centuries, it seems.
I look at my surroundings and understand what I should be doing and why I should be doing it. But at the same time, not doing it seems just as logic. My thoughts are not mine. They’re those of a person living in another dimension, where thoughts – in fact – are louder than actions.
Where not crossing other people’s bridges is not a crime, but a virtue.
Where feelings are visible like bubbles and can be caught in thin air, either to be adopted or to be destroyed.
Where light symbolizes anxiety and challenges.
Where the dark only means the absence of light – nothing more, nothing less.
Where the world is not round, but has the shape of a tree – you either sit at the bottom in the mud, or you’re fortunate enough to be at the top with a swift breeze running through your home, enhancing your comfort. 
Where water is not merely there to be drunken, but is an elixir that revives the mind far away from the heart.
Where entire populations share the same vision of hope, prosperity, and tolerance, thus creating no clashes or wars.
Where children decide over essential matters, whereas adults take care of the more trivial things, for children have a vision that grown-ups have lost.
Caress your outer being and let go of your inner cage. It is time for a ride on the desirable waves of distance and arbitrariness, where you come first and the rest of your senses follow.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Conflict of Control

With a lack of imagination he had never experienced before, he took one more step towards the exploding light. What was to come should be better than what had passed. He had experienced her as unbearingly selfish und cunning, tossing around with her feelings and deafening everyone with her loud screams in a world of silence. But he was unlucky enough to be a victim of her unmagical spell, which had transformed him into a person he did not recognize, let alone a person he could accept. So for now, the exploding light seemed pretty fine and liberating in a way.

Spells were not made to be broken, but to be emphasized and indulged in. She was still roaming around in his brain, playing around with his soul and joyfully allowing herself to take control, while he numbingly appeared to be indifferent. In the end, who would want to be held responsible for thoughts and actions? He could always blame it on her. Eventually and inevitably, passion arose, gripping whatever thoughts were left and turning them into a new thing he had never experienced: rapture. Incomplete, excruciating rapture. It painted the sky green and made the grass look like a bed of snakes. Definitely a wrong kind of high, but a rapturous mean nevertheless.

She played around with her ribbons; swaying them through the air and unraveling lost shapes with their silky, smooth curving. She was untouchable and far away from any sense of guilt or redemption. She was the definition of the abuse of freedom. She flew like a butterfly when she wanted, stabbed like a scorpion when she wanted, loved like a hooker when she wanted, danced like a ballerina when she wanted, and lived like a queen when she wanted. Not once, had she thought that he would penetrate her being, while she was controlling his. But reality and irony united as he unintentionally did.

She became fragile, hesitant, and was taken aback by things she could not identify or put her fingers on. The power of the spell faded, as he unknowingly became stronger and naturally drew the path they were both following.

Not the overbearing, deafening beings will mark their presence in others, but the silent, rational wise.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tune of Mental Death Story: of the Refrigerator

The humming sound of the refrigerator just won’t stop! Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Constant, continuous, monotonous, and absolutely mind-killing. Mmm. As cold as the items inside, it accompanies his life. Mmm. It makes him miss a state of being, a situation; where industry was something useless and unnecessary. Mmm. Where apartments were fine without technology and metallic, cold items that made a nerve-wrecking tune of mental death. Mmm. It felt like each brain-cell was painfully screaming and about to explode. Mmm.

Sometimes, he would forget it was there, but then he would unforget on more time and it would start playing with his head again. Mmm. And each time he would focus and hear it, he would flinch and wince, wishing it would go away. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Argh! Hell on earth! The unheavenly sound of hell!

Then, the enlightment! Mmm. Pull the plug. Mmm. Pull the plug. Mmm. Pull the plug - it hailed from above. Mmm. His face lit up – mmm – his senses rose high above his kitchen – mmm – his feet lifted his body up from the ground – mmm – his legs started running like never before – mmm – his hands reached out – mmm – his eyes widened – mmm – he pulled the plug – mmmm-zt.

And suddenly, life was fine and the world started singing cozy tunes of warmth and comfort.