Sunday, January 2, 2011

I am a Racist...

Yes, I am a racist. Not against a certain gender, nationality, ethnicity, or religion. I am just a racist against humanity. This weird species that decided to spread so fast and decided it could destroy the earth in whatever way it wants. This epiphany came to me in light of the recent events in Egypt - where I live and am from. To cut a long story short, a couple of minutes after midnight on new years' eve, a car-bomb went off in front of a Church in Alexandria, killing 21 Christians and wounding 100 Christians and Muslims.

This is by no way normal, but rather an act of shame and disgrace. When we have come to the point of brutally attacking and killing people in their Sacred Prayer-houses during their celebrations and prayers, we must admit that we really have come a long way from what we used to be. Especially in Egypt, Christians and Muslims used to cope with each other quite normally, without any problems. Yet, we have abandoned that fact some time ago. Now everything seems so far away that we do not even know where we had started. Tolerance, acceptance and understanding have been flushed down the drain. One can barely find anyone with a bit of conscience and respect.
What problems would such an attack solve? Where would such a life-style lead us to in some years? Where has our sense of humanity gone to? Utopia is not so bad and is achievable. So work on it.

If anyone plans on killing anything, it should be killing the hate and intolerance in people, not promoting it and forcing it to flourish. So to those who planned and executed the attack: Go to hell. You do not deserve to live in this world.

And peace to the rest of the world. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. ربنا يجبر الكسور والجروح اللى خلفتها هذه الاحداث سريعا
