Saturday, February 13, 2010

Break the Habit

Where to start? Or stop? Let's be honest: we don't know beginning from end, truth from lie. We have reached a point where all that matters are 5 things: Fame, money, connections, popularity (as in social integrity) and power. And they bring us everywhere, if we have them. They open sealed doors, they feed starving egos, they offer luxury and a lifetime of superficial satisfaction. So it seems. And it's what we blindly believe.
Mankind has reached a very worrying state of mind and state of life, if not to say that it's funny. I can't remember the last time I walked the streets of Cairo, simply to unwind, to see joyful faces, without having to think about the burden that this population is going through all the time. And I get sick when I hear German artists rapping and complaining about their country's corruption, the unsafe life they're living, and about the thousand problems that they have to face daily. If they complain and claim that they have such a hard life, what should an ordinary Egyptian citizen complain about? He wouldn't even know the start of his problems, nor the end of them. The end is uncertain and its timing is unavailable. He cannot trust his authorities, never learned to anyways. How have we reached this state? People are too worried about finding their daily bread; they don't even care anymore who's in charge and what he's doing for them - or against them.
To the left, we can see the simple farmer (فلاح) who cannot harvest his crops - due to the lack of proper resources given to him by the government -, with his 11 children running about the streets of the poor village,and he's silently thanking God for giving him a life filled with family and a home that would be considered a matchbox in other places of the society.
To the right, we can see bunch of rich couples, enjoying their lives at a fancy charity event - that cost more than it will gain -, drinking their champagne, complaining about the oversalted food or how the bad weather ruined the hairstyle they had done for a bunch of banknotes in some overpaid hairsalon (كوافير).
Straight ahead, we can see some business-men (رجال الأعمال), passing thick envelopes from under the table, smoking their cigars, with a map rolled out in front of them, revealing a hierarchy of utter disaster and a map of the country they're ruling, deciding on what move they should do next to get even more money and power, and destroy even more lives than they already have.
Behind us, we can see a bunch of people in uniforms, with some golden figures on their shoulders, ready to attack, take in and torture anyone who seems to dance too freely and truthfully. Needless to describe them even more bluntly.
Right here standing with us, is the rest of the population, staring at everything with open mouths, yet reactionless.
But why am I describing what we all know already? It won't bring us anywhere. The important thing is to act. Give an extra fifty pounds to your caretaker (بواب), driver (سواق), or garbage collector (زبال), because it might save a life and because you, as you read this, will not die from it. Join Human Rights Organizations, demand your rights as a citizen, so others will follow you, join simple charity events and decide not to live a good life while others are at the edge of starvation and complete negligence. Take you rights, whether politically, socially, or other-ly. Instead of closing our eyes in order not to see the pain, we should decide to open them and do something against it! Break the habit of fame, money, connections, popularity and power.

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