Sunday, February 28, 2010


She smoked her cigarette in silence, and couldn’t help but smile inside. “You’re going to miss your train, Madame.” The chauffeur’s eyes were blue, and that’s probably why she started shivering every time he looked at her. “So be it! There’s nothing more soothing and valuable than having the time to finish your cigarette in silence, with no burdens on your shoulders. So what if I miss the train? There’ll always be another one. Don’t you think, Oscar?” “Certainly, Madame.”
Oscar. What a weird name for a French man. A French man that had charming, magical eyes. She turned around to take in her surroundings one more time. Breathe in, breath out. That was the sense of life! She finally found her purpose.
But the next train never came. And she just sat there. Reluctantly accepting that she had gone through great loss that she could not regain. The matters of the heart were never easy to grasp. But there was Oscar, the man she had spent the night of her life with in Venice. The man with the most penetrating eyes she had ever seen. “Oscar, do you believe in your own fate?” “What do you mean, Madame?” “Oscar, stop calling me ‘Madame’. I’m Elizabeth, as it were last night.” “Then, Elizabeth, I would highly appreciate you calling me by my real name.” She paused, waiting for his explanation. “My name is Luchino, as it were since I was born.” “How come I wouldn’t know something like that?” “You never asked, Madame. You assumed.”
Her surroundings blurred, the lit cigarette slipped from her hand onto the floor and was immediately extinguished by the falling rain. Another loss, another cigarette going to waste, another Oscar that she enjoyed. She didn’t know until that moment that her search for her real man Oscar was over, since she wasted the years of her, oh so precious life, looking for Oscar and not the man.

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